Hand Spinner, also called hand spinner fidget, finger spinner, EDC fidget toy,  is a fun way to keep your hands busy, and it’s great for fidget hands, ADD&ADHD sufferers hepls relieve stress. It’s good for kids gift and baby toys. This will be the perfect Every Day Carry(EDC) for you!

material: ABS, BRASS,aluminum alloy, zinc alloy.

center bearing model: 608, R188,606

center bearing material: full chrome steel

full stainless steel

hybrid ceramic bearing

full ceramic beariang

counterweight: 608RS bearing, iron, LED lights with battery, steel balls

center bearing balls quantity: 7pcs, 8pcs, 10pcs

Use This Way:Hold spinner in one hand and use the other hand to spin it rapidly using small continuous strikes to keep it spinning indefinitely with practice,spinners can be spun using one hand only using the fingers of one hand to stop and start spinning

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Glow in the dark(Luminous) hand spinner


white ABS shell luminous hand spinner

flashlight to shine

flashlight to shine the hand spinner


glow in the dark hand spinner

spinning in the dark

spinning in the dark hand spinner

transparent shell:

bearing counterweight

blue luminous hand spinner
glow in the dark hand spinner
orange luminous hand spinner
pink luminous hand spinner
glow in the dark spinner

transparent shell:

iron counterweight

blue iron counterweight hand spinner
green iron counterweight hand spinner
white iron counterweight hand spinner
blue luminous hand spinner
green luminous hand spinner
rose red luminous hand spinner
yellow luminous hand spinner
glow in the dark tri hand spinner
blue-yellow-white-black hand spinner
orange glowing hand spinner
pink glowing hand spinner
emoji luminous hand spinner
emoji for counterweight
emoji hand spinner
emoji icon for counterweight
emoji glowing hand spinner

LED lights hand spinner

black led hand spinner
blue led hand spinner
green led hand spinner
red led hand spinner
white led hand spinner
yellow led hand spinner
package for led hand spinner
spin led hand spinner
night led hand spinner
dark led hand spinner
night led spinning effect
led spinning in the dark
led double sides flash spinner
6pcs lights double sides flash spinner
led lights spinner
led lights with switch hand spinner
9pcs led lights hand spinner
led lights hand spinner in the dark
9pcs led flash in the dark
led lights spinning effect in the dark
led lights hand spinner package
blue led lights hand spinner with switch
green led lights hand spinner with switch
led lights hand spinner with switch
the back of led lights spinner
32 different led spinning effect
led lights spinner spinning effect
black aluminum led hand spinner
blue aluminum led hand spinner
gold aluminum led hand spinner
red aluminum alloy led lights hand spinner
silver aluminum alloy led hand spinner
package for aluminum led hand spinner
aluminum led flash hand spinner
red-blue-green led lights hand spinner
spinning effect for led light hand spinner
aliminum alloy 3pcs led lights hand spinner
spinning for 3pcs led lights spinner
zinc alloy led lights hand spinner
pacakge for zinc alloy led hand spinner
spinning for zinc alloy hand spinner
batman led lights hand spinner
package for batman led lights hand spinner
spinning effect for batman led lights hand spinner
different color led lights hand spinner
the back side for led lights fidget spinner
package for led lights hand spinner
package for led lights hand spinner

ABS Tri Hand Spinner

ABS hand spinner with different color rubber seals
black ABS hand spinner with black rubber seals
white ABS hand spinner with black rubber seals
green ABS hand spinner with black rubber seals
red ABS hand spinner with black rubber seals
blue ABS hand spinner with black rubber seals
orange ABS hand spinner with black rubber seals
yellow ABS hand spinner with black rubber seals
white ABS hand spinner with black rubber seals and black coating steel
different colors hand spinner
black ABS hand spinner with black rubber seals and black coating steel
white ABS hand spinner with red rubber seals and black coating steel
green ABS hand spinner with yellow rubber seals and black coating steel
red ABS hand spinner with black rubber seals and black coating steel
blue ABS hand spinner with black rubber seals and black coating steel
yellow ABS hand spinner with red rubber seals and black coating steel
black ABS hand spinner with mixed color seals and ZrO2 ceramic balls
black ABS hand spinner with black rubber seals and ZrO2 ceramic balls
white ABS hand spinner with black rubber seals and ZrO2 ceramic balls
white ABS hand spinner with mixed color rubber seals and ZrO2 ceramic balls
green ABS hand spinner with black rubber seals and ZrO2 ceramic balls
red ABS hand spinner with black rubber seals and ZrO2 ceramic balls
blue ABS hand spinner with black rubber seals and Si3N4 ceramic balls
yellow ABS hand spinner with black rubber seals and Si3N4 ceramic balls
different color ABS hand spinner with silver iron counterweight
black ABS hand spinner with silver iron counterweight
green ABS hand spinner with silver iron counterweight
different color ABS hand spinner with black iron counterweight
different color ABS fidget spinner with black iron counterweight
different color ABS tri hand spinner with black iron counterweight
black aluminum alloy hand spinner
blue aluminum alloy hand spinner
gold aluminum alloy hand spinner
pink aluminum alloy hand spinner
silver aluminum alloy hand spinner
black aluminum alloy hand spinner with black coating steel
blue aluminum alloy hand spinner with black coating steel
gold aluminum alloy hand spinner with black coating steel
pink aluminum alloy hand spinner with black coating steel
silver aluminum alloy hand spinner with black coating steel

Meisai Hand Spinner

meisai fidget spinner styles
meisai fidget spinner styles2
meisai fidget spinner styles3
meisai fidget spinner styles4
meisai fidget spinner styles5
meisai hand spinner type
meisai hand spinner type2
meisai hand spinner type3
meisai hand spinner type4
meisai hand spinner type5
meisai hand spinner type6
meisai hand spinner type7
meisai hand spinner type8
meisai hand spinner type9
meisai hand spinner type10
meisai hand spinner type11
meisai hand spinner type12
meisai hand spinner type13
meisai hand spinner type14
batman meisai hand spinner
batman meisai hand spinner styles
batman meisai hand spinner styles2
tri meisai hand spinner with iron counterweight.
tri meisai hand spinner with iron ounterweight
batman meisai hand spinner with iron counterweight

brass material

brass fidget spinner
metal box package for brass fidget spinner
heart brass fidget spinner

alloy metal hand spinner

alloy metal hand spinner
metal box package for alloy hand spinner

Alloy Rainbow Hand Spinner

aluminum alloy rainbow hand spinner
pacakage for aluminum alloy rainbow hand spinner
tri alloy rainbow hand spinner
metal box rainbow hand spinner
round metal box package for UFO rainbow hand spinner
UFO rainbow hand spinner
metal box package for UFO rainbow hand spinner
gear rainbow hand spinner
tri rainbow hand spinner
tri rainbow hand spinner 2
battleax type rainbow hand spinner
metal box package for battleax hand spinner
tri rainbow hand spinner with hole
tri rainbow fidget spinner
tri rainbow hand spinner with three holes
four crabs rainbow hand spinner
bones rainbow hand spinner
bones rainbow hand spinner2
claw type rainbow hand spinner
triangle rainbow hand spinner
double pointed nail rainbow hand spinner
three points rainbow hand spinner
two crabs rainbow hand spinner
hex rainbow hand spinner
thunder thor rainbow hand spinner
butterfly rainbow hand spinner
butterfly fish rainbow hand spinner

Batman ABS Hand Spinner

batman ABS hand spinnerbatman ABS hand spinner with different colors

Whistle Fidget Spinner

whistle hand spinnermetal box package for whistle hand spinner

Crusader/KASFLY Hand Spinner Fidget

brass two crusader hand spinner fidget
bronze two crusader hand spinner fidget
red copper two crusader hand spinner fidget
silver two crusader hand spinner fidget
brass three crusader hand spinner fidget
bronze three crusader hand spinner fidget
red copper three crusader hand spinner fidget
silver three crusader hand spinner fidget

Six Arms Hand Spinner Fidget

gold and silver six arms hand spinner
detachable six arms hand spinner
gold color six arms hand spinner
brass six arms hand spinner fidget
six removable arms hand spinner fidget
package for six detachable arms hand spinner
gold alloy six arms hand spinner
black alloy six arms hand spinner
silver alloy six arms hand spinner

Gears Hand Spinner Fidget

9 gears silver hand spinner
9 gears black hand spinner
package for 9 gears hand spinner
3 gears hand spinner
4 gears hand spinner

Hot Wheel/Helm/Rudder Hand Spinner Fidget

hot wheel hand spinner
different colors hot wheel hand spinner
helm hand spinner
different color helm hand spinner

Steel Ball Hand Spinner 

black 3pcs steel ball fidget spinner
blue 3pcs steel ball fidget spinner
gold 3pcs steel ball fidget spinner
pink 3pcs steel ball fidget spinner
white 3pcs steel ball fidget spinner
meisai 3pcs steel ball fidget spinner
meisai 3pcs steel ball hand spinner fidget
meisai 3pcs steel balls fidget spinner
meisai 3pcs steel ball hand spinner
england meisai steel ball hand spinner
5pcs steel ball hand fidget spinner
black-blue-red 3pcs steel balls hand spinner fidget
different colors 3pcs steel ball fidget spinner
blue five star steel ball hand spinner
five star 5pcs steel ball hand spinner
yellow five star steel ball hand spinner

Tri Fidget Spinner

different colors tri hand spinner fidget
red copper tri hand spinner fidget
different colors aluminum alloy tri hand spinner
metal box package for metal hand spinner
black four lines tri hand spinner
blue four lines tri hand spinner
gold four lines tri hand spinner
pink four lines tri hand spinner
silver four lines tri hand spinner
black captain america tri hand spinner fidget
black tri hand spinner fidget
captain america tri hand spinner
red tri hand spinner fidget
yellow tri hand spinner fidget
alloy tri hand spinner fidget toy
black alloy tri hand spinner fidget toy
blue alloy tri hand spinner fidget toy
pink alloy tri hand spinner fidget toy
silver alloy tri hand spinner fidget toy
gold alloy tri hand spinner fidget toy

Crab Fidget Spinner

black three crabs fidget spinner
blue three crabs fidget spinner
gold three crabs fidget spinner
pink three crabs fidget spinner
silver three crabs fidget spinner
different colors three crabs fidget spinner
four crabs hand spinner fidget
three crabs hand spinner fidget
two crabs hand spinner fidget

Cent Coin Hand Spinner

brass color cents coin hand spinner
black color cents coin hand spinner
silver color cents coin hand spinner
red copper color cents coin hand spinner
the back side of cents coin hand spinner
metal box package for cents coin hand spinner
different colors cents coin fidget spinner
round metal box package for cents coin spinner
one cent fidget spinner
one cent coin fidget spinner

Plum Blossom Fidget Spinner

four colors alloy plum blossom hand spinner
metal box package for plum blossom hand spinner
four colors alloy plum blossom fidget spinner toy
black ABS plum blossom fidget spinner
blue ABS plum blossom fidget spinner
gold ABS plum blossom fidget spinner
green ABS plum blossom fidget spinner
red ABS plum blossom fidget spinner
white ABS plum blossom fidget spinner

CKF Fidget Spinner

CKF hand spinner
five colors alloy CKF hand spinner
four colors CKF alloy hand spinner
four colors CKF fidget spinner
metal box package for CKF hand spinner

Butterfly Hand Spinner

black butterfly hand spinner
blue butterfly hand spinner
gold butterfly hand spinner
purple butterfly hand spinner
silver butterfly hand spinner

Scythe Hand Spinner

different color alloy cyclone hand spinner
different color ABS with bearing cyclone hand spinner
black ABS with iron counterweight cyclone hand spinner
dark blue ABS with iron counterweight cyclone hand spinner
green ABS with iron counterweight cyclone hand spinner
light blue ABS with iron counterweight cyclone hand spinner
red ABS with iron counterweight cyclone hand spinner
white ABS with iron counterweight cyclone hand spinner
yellow ABS with iron counterweight cyclone hand spinner
black ABS cyclone hand spinner
blue ABS cyclone hand spinner
full red ABS cyclone hand spinner
gold ABS cyclone hand spinner
green ABS cyclone hand spinner
red ABS cyclone hand spinner
white ABS cyclone hand spinner

Captain America/Iron Man/BMW Hand Spinner

BMW hand spinner
iron man hand spinner
blue captain america hand spinner
captian america hand spinner
back side of captain america hand spinner
metal box package for captain america hand spinner

Skull Hand Spinner

brass skull hand spinner
alloy skull hand spinner
metal box package for skull hand spinner

Raytheon/Butterflyfish Fidget Spinner

butterflyfish fidget spinner

MetalWorn Fidget Spinner

metalworn fidget spinner

Bathgate Fidget Spinner

bathgate fidget spinner

Other EDC Fidget Toy

alloy hand spinner fidget
bearing hand spinner
diamond hand spinner
flying saucer hand spinner
alloy swiss army knife hand spinner
tri alloy swiss army knife hand spinner
four ABS hand spinner fidget
tri ABS hand spinner fidget
black five points hand spinner fidget
silver five points hand spinner fidget
gold plating five hand spinner
gold plating tri hand spinner
black tri fidget spinner
gold tri fidget spinner
silver tri fidget spinner
brass tri fidget spinner with ceramic balls
brass plating hand spinner
POM hand spinner
zinc alloy hand spinner fidget
silver bowknot hand spinner
gold bowknot hand spinner
different color and types hand spinner
special tri hand spinner
special tri hand spinner2
special tri hand spinner3
special four fidget spinner with steel balls
special four hand spinner with steel balls
special tri fidget spinner with steel balls
special tri hand spinner with steel balls